Sunday, December 27

My Reindeer Brings All the Boys to the Yard

This is the Reindeer that lives in my bag.
He'll be more than happy to show you the highlight of our day after his little intro (I guess?)

Reindeer here on behalf of Joijoi. I was pulled away from a mousse cake my brothers and I were stuck on before these greedy children could come and lick the icing off of us (thank the horns in the sky!). I'm not too fond of saliva.

Ah yes, good ol' Apple store. We waited here for quite awhile...watching kids toss penny after penny in the fountain...getting smoked on by hotdog vendors (yuck, have I told you I'm a vegetarian?)...getting chased by tourists...etc. Oh, and we probably ended up being in those cheesy touristy pictures.

We were here for one thing: the wonderful iMac which took a good amount of time to get.

Walking with that thing was a bumpy ride home. Not like I helped. I just ended up staying in her bag, rocking back and forth with the rest of her girly paraphernalia. It wasn't long 'til I decided to peak out and see what there is to see...

YAY COLORED THINGS (and cars....yipes!!!).

It wasn't too long 'til the bus came. Again, another bumpy ride, but hey...mission accomplished.

Yes, I've officially lost it (:


First official webcam photo using my iMac.
Imagine all the things I can accomplish with another me!!!
