Tuesday, September 22

Surprise in a Box

Another 12 hour day for me, but hey, it's keeping me on track. Just as long as unwanted people with bad mojos are clear out of my way, I am perfectly fine with my long day.

Highlight of my day wouldn't be the new found ability to write "pretentious teapot" in italic calligraphy. Nope. It would be the two kittens in a box that Jenny, the catitarian, was able to save. Here's the one I almost took home:

(Yay for ****ty phone pics and boob shots).

I named her Peanutbutter since she reminded me of Michelle's weird concoction of peanut butter on Oreos. I didn't want to let her go. But alas, Peanutbutter and I had to part. The poor thing was scared and hungry that she started sucking on my thumb while she shivered.



  1. oh! I love the little spot of orange on the fur :) cuteness!

  2. OMG I don't think I would have been able to let her go D:
