Monday, September 21

Just Like Every Other Modern Outtake of Emotional Fine Art

It's comical, but this is exactly how it goes...

I got stuck with one body. A body that had its routine, it's humdrum life, and it's boundary. I stayed in the boundary for awhile, not wanting to cross over or break away, barely wanting to question (though secretly questioning) anything and anyone. The sun made its cycle. Months passed, weeks passed, and the day after the 16th happened, and school started. Between the lines and between the time, something broke. It kinda scattered into jagged shards somewhere along the boundaries that made it easier for me to hop out. I'm still aware of my boundaries, but sure enough I'm not living in them anymore.
People have noticed change. People have commented on my change. It's plain and simple:
I go about looking "put together" so I can feel put together...eventually making me put together.
I think therefore I am.

It's far from pretending and acting. It boosts your self-esteem and helps you off your feet when you were knocked down by the same damn stick that knocked you before. It makes you justify the cheery disposition everyone seems to see you as, and it makes them enjoy you as a person. No one likes a sourpuss. There's a time and place to be quiet, be tired, and to cry (which is usually behind a two-inch-thick door).

If there's another thing I learned, it's to not fall into believing the confident who have nothing to back their confidence with. They usually say things to make themselves feel better since they're actually lacking in the very things that they think they have. If they also call you an emotional wreck, don't believe them. When they do, beat them up until they cry and use that same ugly term they used on you.

That's all. We need at least one emotional update for a month don't we?



  1. I agree, especially the second to last paragraph. Whatever is up (or down for that matter) I hope it turns out well.

