Saturday, August 1

Skipping numbers.


We've heard this countless times in our lives and it usually leaves the inconsolable birds under a giant hole-y umbrella of doubt. It doesn't really help.
I prefer a pat on the back or a big hug instead of this cliche.

Thing is, I would make an exception if it was always put in some sort of art form such as the example above.
Then I will actually believe that "It (whatever 'it' may be) is Going to be Ok."


So um, my dad just decided to tell me that we're leaving a day earlier. He plans on visiting Wine Country around the Finger Lakes area.
No matter how many questions I ask him, I never get straight answers so I details are as vague as Old Father William. I never was too fond of family trips. It always ends up being an uncomfortable disaster full of misunderstandings and yelling. Hopefully this one won't be too horrible.


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