Wednesday, July 15

I Want My Kitchen Back

...I will see my kitchen again.

The oven's taking a break from me this summer.

If there's one thing I like about my apartment, it's the kitchen. Whenever I'm there, I take good care of it.

No crumbs on the countertops.
Stupid knives left out cuz a certain someone expects her mommy to clean her stuff up are put in the sink.
Sweet treats of all pastry forms coming out of the oven. Must note: all from scratch.
Cooking on those retarded electric burners.
Eating standing up.
Hopping on counters to reach the highest shelf.

Yeah, I do miss it (except for the second point).
Cooking and baking and everything else that my heart desires in one room.


1 comment:

  1. I miss you in our kitchen :( Sarah's taken over and it makes me sad
