Sunday, August 22

Mini Family Reunion with the Catacutans

Two of my cousins and aunt from Ohio came for a pre-birthday celebration for my Lola and my Uncle who both share a birthday. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to photograph as much as I should have (or show you just how many a fraction is of my family), but here are a couple of disjointed pictures of what kinda sorta happened.
 food-making, food-devouring, mosquito-biting...
...til night-kind of...
...karaoke-ing, rock band kind of fun.

These are usually crazier events with much more people, but as I mentioned on my twitter (obnoxious, obvious link: Oh_Joi): if the sisters from my Lola's side were to actually have a full reunion, planets will collide while I will most probably be forced to sing doom opera.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, god I feel ya. My family as well from both sides. xDDD
