Saturday, August 14

Diana Mini with Caitlin

Saturday, August 14, 2010

For the entirety of the afternoon, I spent the day with Caitlin McNaney at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

 I also played around with the mini Diana that Svend Linbaek gave me as a goodbye-thank-you present.
It was interesting working with the cute little camera. It is most definitely is one of those only-sunny cams if you don't have the flash for it. Anyway to get myself started, I played with the half-frame function as you'll see. 

I can never go to the MET without visiting this sculpture and this entire area.

We also took note of oddities...

...and grazed around between our short burst of summer stories.
(These aren't the original cuts. I apologize for the inability for the Walgreens photo lab to function correctly. Oh and the insulting, customer-service-lacking staff they have also made that experience oh so wonderful.)

The events that follow involved the park, restaurants, pink ladies, and half a pitcher of strawberry and very minty sangria. Unfortunately, there are barely any evidence of these events, except for this photo that mocked the passers-by that watched the Yankees game in the cafe and a clip of a video that features the bottom of Caitlin's glass and part of her chest (not intentional, I swear).


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