Tuesday, June 1

Yo Ho Ho...What's This Show?

While Fuse plays its reruns of Gaga Overload/Gaga Takeover, I'm going to sneak in a couple of minor epiphanies that were graffitied on my clean, white sketchbook...

Break away now that you know how to be like everyone else.

Be innovative. React to your experiences and not just to the experiences happening around you.

They teach you how to obey and listen so you question the right things.

And maybe I'm a little late in the game, but someone has to be the follower to the leader.

Given that all these were written when I was in some sort of white-wine haze, but they still make some sense to me. Junior year of college was probably the best year to find out a lot about myself. It was also the year that I've fully embraced a number of things I've tried to push away for the last five years. I lost a number of friends and things along the way, and in exchange, have gained some sort of self-acceptance and recognition to what feels right and wrong. Now it's just a matter of becoming more innovative and to stay true to that peculiar little girl I've always been.


...change is inevitable.monotony can die

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