Friday, May 28

After One Smirnoff, I'm Looking Back...Already

A part of me admits that I miss school already- and by school I mean, last quarter.
Next year will be different. Not only have my closest and dearest friends graduated, but two of my best roommates have left me in the apartment.

I'll miss the Sunday night home work hauling we all did, the random bunny hops in the kitchen, late night chats, cookie devouring, the crying, the bitching, the annoyances and hissing, and even the random clouds of smells that only one of us would admit.
Excuse me when I say this, but I did have a wonderful apartment. I wouldn't have traded it for anything else.



  1. *hugs Joi* Aww look what you did, after reading this post I'm all emotional. :( <3

  2. D: nuuu it's the wine talking being emo!
