Thursday, November 19


I've wondered why my parents (or parents in general) would make me go to a corner after I did something disobedient or rotten.
It makes complete sense: you're facing a blank, claustrophobic space where you unwillingly stay so you can think about what you did wrong, why it was wrong, the meaning of life, death, absolution, and Armageddon, and how the heck you're going to sweet talk your way out of that joint.

Funny how actions such as that could be carried on throughout your post-childhood years.
Just a couple minutes earlier, I found myself thinking with my forehead against a corner. I can't say it helped, but it was comical to just think about what my walls would have been saying to such a sight.


1 comment:

  1. <3<3<3 agreed. And I must say, is that hello kitty, I see!?
