Thursday, October 8

A Joi Story: Week 5

Where to Hide. Where to Speak. What to Feel. How to Feel?
The answer is: cloth.

Here are a few test shots:

So I guess, blogging about my upcoming projects and my outtakes help more than blogging about my work. Afterall, I do have a separate blog for that. And to be truly honest, not all my work is on there so, um, boo to me for not selling myself, I guess. Hopefully my website will be officially running very, very soon!

Oh, and I just realized something. I can now officially admit to myself and the world that I can take cheesy high school year book photos:

Look mom, no hands.

I've been reprimanded time and time again for my lack of confidence. I admit that during critique I mention what's wrong with it first and forget to sell what I've done. It's almost like jumping the gun so people don't have to point it out. But hey, things change, don't they? So I guess next critique I'll sell my work more. Ok, thanks Biffle.

The End.


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