Vicki and Jake's Wedding...
"I'm too skinny for my shirt...too skinny for my shirt"
We all have A.D.D.
D'aw, Ezra's soo cool.
(For awesome photos go to> Kyle's Blog)
Yes, photographers like risking their lives for a grand shot.
(One of his grand shots could be found here> Elijah's Blog)
Pestering Elijah (who Kyle dubbed as 'Stupid-I'm-gonna-put-everyone-in-great-personal-risk-man') while he shoots.
"From the beginning..."
"What is the beginning??"
Oh boy, we were all so tired. And believe me, I usually don't talk this way. Had a little too much of cranberry juice.
the storyboard for a good weekend
ReplyDelete:D love the fireworks video! I missed out on the better of july 4th LOL